Q: Is it possible to get pregnant before you start your period?
A: Yes. You may start to ovulate 14 days before you start your period, so there is a chance that you can get pregnant.

Q: Can condoms be reused?
A: No, you cannot reuse a condom. Once it has been used it should be thrown away.

What options are there for me if i do get pregnant?
You can of course parent, you can put your child up for adoption, or there is abortion,

Can I raise my child alone?
Yes you can, especially with the love and support of your family and friends, but without the love and support, it can be very expensive and difficult. Not only for you, but also for your child.

How can I keep myself healthy during my pregnancy?
Eat healthy, exercise, and prenatal care is the key to a healthy pregnancy.

What are the complications that can occur during or after pregnancy?
You may have difficulty delivering the baby or a premature baby. After pregnancy, the baby may suffer from brain damage, low birth rate, or it may be a stillborn baby.

Where can you get contraception from?
Condoms are available at many pharmacies and convenient stores, birth control on the other hand must be prescribed by your doctor.